Podcast: Bob Chapman and Raj Sisodia Talk Caring Cultures
September 29, 2020

- Bob Chapman
CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller
Anytime I have the opportunity to share a stage, virtual or otherwise, with my friend Raj Sisodia, it is a joy.
If you’ve traced the trajectory of Raj’s writings – from Firms of Endearment to Conscious Capitalism to our book, Everybody Matters, to his most recent, The Healing Organization – you see a journey that paints a wonderful picture of the power of caring in business.
Raj and I recently appeared in a webinar for the Boston chapter of Conscious Capitalism, “Creating and Sustaining Caring Cultures.” Raj begins the conversation by exploring the importance of a caring culture in business, before we talk about many of the things we wrote about in Everybody Matters, as well as our thoughts on current events.
On this episode of the Everybody Matters Podcast, we share a slightly edited version of that discussion for your inspiration.
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